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Within the framework of Fish for Life II, CIDRE IFD is experimenting with new financial products to support the fishing and fish farming sectors.
To face the challenge of scaling fish production from the fishing and fish farming sectors, CIDRE IFD saw it necessary to innovate and develop new financial services. In this sense, the entity has assumed the risk and challenge of carrying out tests on the design and offer of the following products.

Within the framework of Fish for Life II, CIDRE IFD is experimenting with new financial products to support the fishing and fish farming sectors.
To face the challenge of scaling fish production from the fishing and fish farming sectors, CIDRE IFD saw it necessary to innovate and develop new financial services. In this sense, the entity has assumed the risk and challenge of carrying out tests on the design and offer of the following products:

These products are pilot tests that seek to test the potential to carry out services in a sustainable way. For each of the aforementioned innovations, the entity has already developed manuals, procedures and standard contracts. These have been put to the consideration of government bodies for approval. Staff have been trained to implement pilot-level operations and measures have been adopted to monitor and track the impacts of these new products. However, the progress that has been demonstrated in these tests indicates that these innovations will serve as optimal solutions to the problems evident in the scaling up of fishing and fish farming through financial services. It should be noted that to apply the new financial services on a national scale, CIDRE must comply with the provisions and regulations of the regulatory body. For this, scaling has another dimension of the pilot tests made possible by the PPV II, until reaching a massive offer applied to multiple economic sectors.

Julio Alem, CIDRE,
