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In agreement with the Campesino Agricultural Promotion Center (CEPAC) and the collaboration of the Association of Fish Farmers of the Integrated North of Yapacaní (APNI), PECES PARA LA VIDA is carrying out a pilot experiment in 3 communities in the region.

Eight families are carrying out a polyculture experiment, that is, the cultivation of more than 1 species in a pool, with pacú and shad. In addition, as producers become active researchers in the management of their pond, it is expected to improve water quality, provide an additional source of healthy meat for the family, and additional income with the commercialization of fish and a better production. Biometric information of the fish (weight, size) and physicochemical information of the water is being collected, including pH, Temperature, Hardness, Nitrates, Nitrites, Alkalinity and Transparency.
We hope to have the pacuses ready for the grill in October!
